Business English

Make your business a success and study business English with us. In this truly competitive world, your company needs every advantage; so why not learn the international language of business?

Why study Business English?

Because it will...

Business English is essential for effective communication in global business and enhances professionalism, credibility, and career prospects. Companies with English proficient employees have a competitive advantage, can expand their global reach and improve business communication. Business English training focuses on specific language skills necessary for tasks like making presentations, negotiating deals, and participating in meetings. Cultural awareness is also crucial for navigating diverse international markets. Online courses provide flexibility and convenience, and are cost-effective compared to in-person training or hiring translators.

What is offered?

1. Writing - Improve your employees email writing skills and general writing skills. 2. Grammar - Let you employees become an expert in English grammar. 3. Speaking - Your employees will improve their English speaking skills and comprehension. 4. Fluency - Your employees will become more fluent in every way.

A Typical Lesson for Business

At The Journey of Learning Languages, our ESL Online Business English lessons are designed to equip professionals with the language skills needed to excel in the global business environment. Here’s what you can expect from a typical lesson:

1. Introduction and Warm-Up:
Each session begins with a brief introduction and warm-up activity. This helps students get comfortable and ready to engage. The warm-up typically involves discussing current business news or sharing recent professional experiences, setting the stage for the lesson’s focus.

2. Lesson Objectives:
The instructor outlines the objectives for the lesson, which might include mastering specific business vocabulary, improving email writing skills, or practicing business meeting etiquette. Clear objectives help students understand the goals and stay focused.

3. Vocabulary and Key Phrases:
The lesson progresses with the introduction of essential vocabulary and key phrases relevant to the day’s topic. This could involve terms related to finance, marketing, negotiations, or presentations. The instructor provides examples and context, ensuring students understand how to use these terms effectively in their professional lives.

4. Interactive Activities:
Engagement is crucial, so the lesson includes interactive activities such as role-plays, group discussions, and case studies. For example, students might role-play a business negotiation, practice delivering a presentation, or discuss a case study to apply new vocabulary and phrases in real-world scenarios. These activities are designed to simulate actual business situations, providing practical experience.

5. Language Skills Focus:
The lesson emphasizes one or more key language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Depending on the topic, students might practice writing professional emails, conducting phone calls, or understanding business reports. The instructor provides guidance and feedback to help students refine these skills.

6. Cultural Insights:
Understanding cultural nuances is vital in global business. Lessons often incorporate cultural insights to help students navigate international business interactions effectively. This might involve discussing business etiquette in different countries or exploring cultural differences in communication styles.

7. Feedback and Q&A:
Towards the end of the lesson, the instructor provides personalized feedback, highlighting areas of strength and suggesting improvements. A Q&A session allows students to ask questions and clarify any doubts, ensuring they leave the class with a clear understanding of the material covered.

8. Homework and Resources:
To reinforce learning, students are given homework assignments and access to additional resources such as articles, videos, and practice exercises. These resources help students continue their learning outside of class and prepare for future lessons.

9. Closing:
The lesson concludes with a summary of what was covered and a preview of the next session. This helps students stay engaged and look forward to their continued learning journey.

Our ESL Online Business English lessons are structured to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. By focusing on practical language skills and real-world business applications, we ensure that our students are well-prepared to communicate confidently and effectively in their professional environments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on your companies needs. Please get in contact with us and we will be happy to help. 

It depends on their English Level. We strongly recommend students be placed in the same level to insure all can learn equally. 

Join a group is already operating group, with a mix of students from different companies. This is a good way to meet people from all around the world. There is a minimum of 5 students. 

Custom classes are based on your needs or times.

Incompany Classes are classes for students from within one company. Classes will still take place online. 

Classes cancelled more than 12 hours will be rescheduled for free. Classes cancelled under 12 hours will not be rescheduled and the teacher will receive the full hour pay. Classes must be cancelled by writing. Classes cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled for free or a substitute teacher will be assigned. Classes will not be conducted on public holidays of the teachers and students current locations. 

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