I.E.L.T.S. Exam Preparation 

Choosing to prepare for your IELTS exam with The Journey of Learning Languages offers numerous advantages that cater specifically to your needs and goals. Our program is designed to provide maximum flexibility, allowing you to study from the comfort of your own home or any location that suits you best. With a variety of class times available, you can easily fit your studies around your personal and professional commitments, ensuring a balanced and manageable preparation schedule.

Our team of expert instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in IELTS preparation. They are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired band score through personalized guidance and feedback. Each lesson is tailored to address your individual strengths and weaknesses, focusing on the specific skills needed to excel in the IELTS exam. Our instructors use proven teaching methods and strategies that are aligned with the latest IELTS requirements, ensuring that you are well-prepared for all sections of the test – listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

In addition to our top-notch teaching staff, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers every aspect of the IELTS exam. Our interactive learning platform provides access to a wide range of resources, including practice tests, video tutorials, and study materials. This platform allows you to track your progress, review past lessons, and practice at your own pace. The combination of live instruction and self-paced learning tools ensures that you have all the support and resources you need to succeed.

Studying for the IELTS online with us also means becoming part of a supportive and motivated learning community. You will have the opportunity to interact with fellow students from around the world, sharing experiences and tips that can enhance your preparation. Our community-driven approach not only helps in building your confidence but also in keeping you motivated throughout your learning journey.

Our expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, and interactive learning platform provide a robust framework to help you achieve your IELTS goals. By choosing to study with us, you are investing in a high-quality education that will pave the way for your academic and professional success.

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About IELTS Preparation Class

Studying for your IELTS exam online with “The Journey of Learning Languages” offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your home at times that suit your schedule. Our expert instructors are highly qualified and experienced in IELTS preparation, providing personalized guidance and feedback to help you achieve your desired band score. Additionally, our comprehensive curriculum and interactive learning platform ensure that you have access to the latest resources and practice materials, enhancing your test-taking skills and confidence.

Staff: All our teachers have taught the IELTS Preparation Classes, teaching experience and university degrees.

Length of class: 50 minutes per lesson. We also offer intensive classes, 8 hours of classes each day. 

You will study:

  • Practice the IELTS exams.
  • Vocabulary building exercises.
  • Techniques for passing the IELTS exam. 
Price: £30 per hour per student (we only offer group classes at lower prices,  if there are enough students at the same level).

A Typical IELTS Lesson

(Depending on level)

At The Journey of Learning Languages, our online IELTS test preparation lessons are meticulously designed to ensure a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Here’s what you can expect from a typical lesson:

Warm-Up and Introduction

Each lesson begins with a brief warm-up session to set the tone for the day. This might include a review of previous materials, a quick quiz, or an interactive discussion on a relevant topic. The instructor then outlines the goals and objectives of the lesson, ensuring that students understand what they will be focusing on and what they are expected to achieve by the end of the session.

Focused Skill Development

Our lessons are structured to cover all four sections of the IELTS exam: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Depending on the lesson plan, the instructor may choose to focus on one specific skill or integrate multiple skills. For example, a lesson might involve listening to an audio recording and then answering comprehension questions, or it might involve reading a passage and practicing writing a summary.

Interactive Learning Activities

We believe that active participation is key to effective learning. Throughout the lesson, students engage in a variety of interactive activities such as group discussions, role-playing, and real-time practice exercises. These activities are designed to mimic the format of the IELTS exam, providing students with practical experience and helping them build confidence in their test-taking abilities.

Personalized Feedback and Guidance

One of the highlights of our online IELTS lessons is the personalized feedback provided by our expert instructors. After each activity, students receive constructive feedback on their performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. This targeted feedback helps students understand their mistakes and learn how to avoid them in the future.

Practice and Homework Assignments

To reinforce the day’s learning, students are often given practice exercises and homework assignments to complete before the next lesson. These assignments are tailored to the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they get ample practice in the areas where they need the most improvement. Students can also access additional resources and practice materials through our online platform. (Please note, not every teacher assigns homework for every class).

Q&A and Wrap-Up

Each lesson concludes with a Q&A session where students can ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have. The instructor provides a summary of the key points covered during the lesson and offers tips and strategies for further study. This wrap-up session ensures that students leave the class with a clear understanding of what they have learned and how to apply it to their IELTS preparation.

By offering a structured, interactive, and supportive learning environment, our online IELTS lessons at “The Journey of Learning Languages” are designed to help students achieve their best possible scores on the IELTS exam. Join us and take the next step toward your academic and professional goals.


Enrol for the IELTS Preparation Class

Frequently Asked Questions

IELTS is needed for multiple reasons.

Domestic uses

It may be a requirement for a school or university.

Certain jobs may require a successfully pass the exam.

Lastly, it may be used to prove your knowledge of English in a job application. 

International uses-

It will be required for applying for international universities or degrees taught in English.

Visas for certain English speaking counties. Some countries now require you to pass an IELTS exam before they will issue you a visa; even if you have a job there.

Lastly, some jobs may require IELTS when applying for work internationally.

It depends on their level.

Beginner levels, sooner the better. E.g. a few years before.

Intermediate levels, a year and half.

Advanced levels, six months. 

At this stage no but there are plans in work to offer this service in the future.  We offer help to give you or your children the best possible chance to pass the exam.

It’s rare to find groups of students, at the same level, at the same time.

Classes cancelled more than 12 hours will be rescheduled for free. Classes cancelled under 12 hours will not be rescheduled and the teacher will receive the full hour pay. Classes must be cancelled by writing. Classes cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled for free or a substitute teacher will be assigned. Classes will not be conducted on public holidays of the teachers and students current locations. 

Sadly no, there are too many factors that go into passing the exam. All we can do is give them the best possibility of passing the exam. 

The Journey Of Learning Languages