Australian School Curriculum

School Level Information

  • Primary School – 6 years old to 10 years old

  • High School – 11 years old to 18 years old

  • University – 18 years old and over

Primary School Classes

English (Available)

Science (Available)

Geography (Available)

Maths (Available)

Humanities and Social Science (Available)

Spanish (Available)

French (Available)

Music (Only available with special a request)

Physical Education (Not available)

High School Classes

English (Available)

Geography (Available)

Biology (Available)

Physics (Available)

Chemistry (Available)

Humanities and Social Science (Available)

Business Studies (Available)

Civics (Available)

Economics (Available)

Technology (Available)

Spanish (Available)

French (Only available with a special request)

Music (Only available with a special request)

Sexual Education (Only available with a special request)

Physical Education (Not available)

University Preparation 

English Literature (Available)

Creavite Writing (Available)

ILETS (Available)

Citations and School Standards (Available)

Education and Safeguarding (Available)

Economics (Available)

Business (Available)

Any other classes but be special requested 

Selecting Lessons 

You may choose any available class for individual lessons 

You may choose any of the available classes for group lessons (one or multiple a day or over different days)

Intensive classes, a mix of all available classes for 8 hours a day.

Join a group (minimum of 5 students and subject to availability)

Special request classes. Please make an inquiry to see if it is available. Please note the fees will be higher.

Policies & Code of Conduct 

Classes cancelled more than 12 hours will be rescheduled for free. Classes cancelled under 12 hours will not be rescheduled and the teacher will receive the full hour pay. Classes must be cancelled by writing. Classes cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled for free or a substitute teacher will be assigned. Classes will not be conducted on public holidays of the teachers and students current location. 

All classes must follow our Code of Conduct for both students and staff. Any form of racism, sexual harassment, bullying, ageisum or any form harassment is strictly forbidden. All classes must be conducted respectfully. Any student found not to follow these rules, will be removed from class without reimbursement. Any staff found not to follow these rules, will be removed from class and may face termination and/or legal action.

University Preparation 

English Literature (Available)

Creavite Writing (Available)

ILETS (Available)

Citations and School Standards (Available)

Education and Safeguarding (Available)

Economics (Available)

Business (Available)

Any other classes but be special requested 

Selecting Lessons 

You may choose any available class for individual lessons 

You may choose any of the available classes for group lessons (one or multiple a day or over different days)

Intensive classes, a mix of all available classes for 8 hours a day.

Join a group (minimum of 5 students and subject to availability)

Special request classes. Please make an inquiry to see if it is available. Please note the fees will be higher.

Classes can be purchased in blocks of 10, 25 and 50. Inquire about discounts for our clubs. Join a group classes are only ten pounds and it is a good way for your child to meet other children from around the world.

Classes follows reapproved text books, with the expiation of custom classes.

Policies & Code of Conduct 

Classes cancelled more than 12 hours will be rescheduled for free. Classes cancelled under 12 hours will not be rescheduled and the teacher will receive the full hour pay. Classes must be cancelled by writing. Classes cancelled by the teacher will be rescheduled for free or a substitute teacher will be assigned. Classes will not be conducted on public holidays of the teachers and students current location. 

All classes must follow our Code of Conduct for both students and staff. Any form of racism, sexual harassment, bullying, ageisum or any form harassment is strictly forbidden. All classes must be conducted respectfully. Any student found not to follow these rules, will be removed from class without reimbursement. Any staff found not to follow these rules, will be removed from class and may face termination and/or legal action.

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